Tennessee Athletic Directors Conference


TIAAA State AD Conference

April 11-14, 2025 

Knoxville, TN


Conference Hotel:

The Crowne Plaza in Knoxville - CLICK HERE for booking link.

Rate - $143/night (Fri-Mon)

The Tennessee Athletic Directors Conference, sponsored by the Tennessee Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (TIAAA) is Tennessee’s premier conference that provides an outstanding educational in-service program for interscholastic athletic administrators. This first-class conference is foremost in featuring professional speakers and an exhibit show, as well as proven athletic administrators who willingly share their experience and expertise on a variety of educational topics through Leadership Training courses and workshops.

2025 Conference Schedule

     2025 Leadership Training Courses Offered through State Conference: 

          503*, 504*, 506*, 601*, 616, 618, 717

→ You will be able to register for available LTC Courses via the Conference Registration on AMP

* Indicates courses that will receive TASL credit. Also, 501 & 502 offered virtually in advance are TASL eligible.

How to Register 


All registrations will be available online through your TIAAA AMP account. 

Please click here to login to your account.

  1. Locate the ‘Current Events’ area on your Membership page
  2. Click the ‘Register’ button next to the event 
  3. Click ‘Yes, Register’ on the pop-up screen 
  4. Complete the entire Registration Form, type your full name in the Signature Field and click on the 'Submit Form' button
  5. You will then be taken to the Payment Page where you can choose to Pay By Check or Pay Online.  

If you have any questions about your TIAAA AMP account or need help with the registration process, please email TIAAA AMP SUPPORT.


Email to Patrick Miller